Saturday, June 26, 2010

Look Mom, I'm Blogging

Once upon a time, in an old life, I was offered an opportunity to voice my opinion, as often as I wanted, in my hometown newspaper. I turned it down - multiple times. You see, I didn't feel I had found my "voice."

Fastforward 5+ years, and by George, I finally think I've found it. So here I am.

I'm a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. I lead a simple life on the plains of South Dakota. I don't have anything revolutionary to say, and I certainly don't claim to be an expert on anything... Except maybe burning cookies. Or stressing out. Hmmm...

I'm simply someone who wants to share our lives with our friends and family back in our beloved home state of Iowa, and our new friends here, and of course, anyone else who reads this. That is, unless I decide to make this blog private. ;)

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